
Tes Finish

A revolutionary new building system combining an organic, mineral-based binding agent with a mortar-based solution that produces a building product with a high impact surface that can be rendered in a range of finishes from smooth coat to textured.

  • TES Finish uses an organic, mineral based binding agent which is combined with gypsum, cement and sand to create a thin-coat render.
    TES Finish delivers a monolithic structure with excellent strength as well as outstanding fire, thermal, high impact and acoustic qualities.
  • TES Finish can be used in a variety of ways, as a stand-alone product applied to materials such as EPS panels or Perlite reinforced with a nylon mesh or combined with our TES Protect for a very robust, crack resistant render for a complete through the wall solution.Because TES Finish is made with an organic, mineral based solution the resulting building material is generally more environmentally and user friendly than traditional cement or gypsum based systems.

TES Finish is suitable for both existing (renovation) and new buildings and has a very high adhesion rate to concrete, brick, masonry, concrete block, wood or light steel framing.

TES Finish has a polypropylene fibre blended into the dry mix that gives it the ability to resist cracking, making for a very stable final finish coat.

Key Benefits

The key benefits of the TES Finish:

1) Creates a Monolithic surface

2) Certified and Rated around the world

3) Reduces Building Cost and Time

4) A Flexible Render

5) High Impact surface

6) Fire Resistant Qualities:
A1 tested to over 2 hours

7) Ideal for use in areas with higher risk of earthquake, hurricane and humidity

8) Quality finished floor

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Thermal Engineering Systems

3rd Floor, 14 Hanover Street, Mayfair W1S 1YH,

London United Kingdom

24hr Global Call Centre : + 44 845 366 9742

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