
Tes Flooring

TES Flooring is a self-levelling flooring screed product, made with our organic, mineral-based binding agent. It is supremely easy to use and application and drying time are quick.

  • The result is a perfect surface ready for final treatment and finishes, i.e. carpet, tiling, wooden flooring, etc.

    TES Flooring delivers maximum floor space at a lower cost and with a lower environmental footprint than traditional cement-based flooring techniques

    TES’s self-levelling screed makes flooring simple and easy to apply. Our floor is insulated which means that a building’s energy saving characteristics are multiplied. This results in a perfectly laid floor which dries very quickly and enables tiling or other flooring covers such as wood, to be laid over the very next day – unlike concrete flooring which takes weeks to cure.

  • TES Flooring reduces the weight of the floor to less than 500kg per cubic meter of volume – far less than traditional concrete flooring.
    Overall weight reduction of buildings results in significant design benefits for architects and structural engineers.

    TES Flooring can support larger structures and greater spans, as well as a reduced number, and size, of columns required because the lighter floors need less support.
    Ultimately, building owners can enjoy maximised usable floor space which can be of great commercial value.

Our flooring system is easy to use and requires very little training. With TES Flooring, building teams can exercise greater efficiency and get started straight away.

Key Benefits

TES Flooring key benefits

1) Delivers maximum floor space

2) Flexible and accommodating in terms of design

3) Simple to use and apply

4) Requires minimal training

5) Saves time and money

6) Minimises errors

7) Adds to the energy efficiency of the overall building through an insulated floor

8) Quality finished floor

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Thermal Engineering Systems

3rd Floor, 14 Hanover Street, Mayfair W1S 1YH,

London United Kingdom

24hr Global Call Centre : + 44 845 366 9742

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